Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Oh God...

I seem to have started a blog. How did this happen? I feel very intimidated. I deliberately didn't pick the same template as the original lizzie scoffs blog. Yes, I liked it best. Yes, the one I chose has flourescent dots all over it. But the pressure of having a blog that looks like the scoffs' was too much. What if my pals don't find my blog as interesting as other people's? What if I get my grammar all wrong? What if I don't get any comments and I forget to update it for days on end and people get bored and stop visiting and... AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. I knew this would happen.

Blogging sucks.

Over and out.


Blogger Tooting bird said...

Let me be the first to begin the blog love-in. Well done for taking the blog plunge and excellent choice of template (Although in case Lizzie reads this, obviously not as excellent as her outstanding blog)

Mr Scoff

Blogger Tooting bird said...

actually, I never did choose this template. It's very nice. Feel the fear and do it anyway, Mrs B. Welcome to the blogiverse. Emma sends Oliver a peacock screech xxxx

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.It's more addictive than crack (so they say). And I can let the fact that you shunned 20six as your host go - one day ....
J xx

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only non-blogger out there? I just loiter and peep and you lot are a great work-distraction! The lobster's halloween costume just arrived... you guessed it, it's a lobster! x

Blogger Tooting bird said...

C'mon, 'nother post now please (especially as I've added you to my links) xx

Blogger clarey b said...

Oh the pressure to post a post... hope you're not disappointed ladies x Please forgive me Jojo


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