Monday, October 10, 2005

Official: we are grown up

Hello fellow web nerds. This will be the last time I apologise for the ludicrous gaps in blog posting - I promise I will try and get better. Perhaps quantity is above quality in these matters.

Anyway, we had some bestest friends to stay this weekend and decided that we have really entered the world of being grown up. Spare room with towels on the bed, travel cot up ready for wee Jack, homemade leek and potato soup in the freezer just in case, leg of lamb in the fridge ready for Sunday lunch...

It was marvellous. Having lived in a two bed flat for so long, we just never had people to stay (except my sister who had to put up with a sofa bed in the sitting room and the world's smallest dining table). The boys ran around the garden, we all pottered off to Bristol Zoo in our estate cars and watched a vid on Saturday night. How civilised.

Anyway, the upshot is that Nick and I can 'do' weekend visits! All welcome (well, as long as we know who you are). I may even be able to ask the butcher for a joint of lamb without making a complete pratt of myself.

What other news? Nick's cousin has had a baby girl - Hayley Skye (hmmm, not convinced) - which has made us both even more excited about our impending arrival. My bump is getting alarming - photo soon. Oh, and our sofas finally arrived! Such luxury.

Almost forgot - our night out for N's birthday was marvellous. Ate ourselves silly and shared a half bottle of wine. Boats were definitely pushed out. And not a peep from the gorgeous babe...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! We need to move to Bristol instantly... life seems a lot better there. I had to wade through pukey pavements and ripped bin-bags to get to toddler gym this am... I was billious when I got there I tell you!


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