Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tis done...

The naming ceremony was a great success, despite last minute authoring and panics over catering. We had the most glorious weather, the cake looked lovely (tasted less so, but that's life), O and F scrubbed up well and N and I didn't look too bad either! N's mum made it all the way from France and lots of other family and friends joined us for a memorable day. It wasn't quite as emotional as I'd expected - I think my mind was on the logistics more than the content which was a bit of a shame. But looking back at the photos and re-reading the words made me realise how glad I am that we marked the children's arrival formally.

We now have a summer of weekends ahead of us with very little booked in the diary! Must get on the phone and book up to see friends. We also want to try and explore the west country a bit more, particularly as it looks as though my sister is going to move to Devon. Hurrah! We might follow there ourselves in a couple of years, but that's another story!

Sorry for short post, but still catching up on sleep. Nothing much going on - F is now loving her food which is great and is sleeping better which is even more great. O's language is bouncing along to the point where he's now saying 'What's that called Mummy?' about far too many things! He really is a poppet. Mwah mwah for now xx


Blogger Paul & Esther said...

Hello dearest,
Aren't blogs great. As you commented on mine - now I get a window into your life, and know all about your little ones' language development / sleep patterns, your less-than-great tasting cake, and your proposed move to Devon (what?!)

some more piccies please ... mostly to be amazed at how much O looks like you!

Blogger clarey b said...

So pleased to see your comment! Lovely to be able to keep tabs on each other. Would post more pics if hadn't mislayed camera... oops...

Blogger Paul & Esther said...

Camera gone missing? Try the lowest kitchen cabinet, underneath the pile of magazines, biscuits and remains of half-eaten bananas (that is, if your household is anything like ours ...)


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