Thursday, October 20, 2005

Still pooped

What a week. Monday - worked. Tuesday - felt dire most of the day and only just managed to keep Oliver fed / reasonably happy. Went to Bath to visit the sister of a friend (over-ambitious but lovely). Yesterday - playgroup, lunch with two playgroup mums, pre-school visit, tea over the road! Today - work (a welcome break!)

Schools! Pre-schools! Nurseries! Aagh. Why does it all have to be so complicated - and expensive? None of the primary schools here offer pre-school so you have to find your own thing. One has been recommended but they only take the little ones for two hours in the afternoon twice a week! Not much use if you're trying to work. We've found a lovely Montessori pre-school, but have no idea how we'd pay for even a day and a half a week unless I work. But what do I do with the little one? Nursery means more money and I'll be lucky if I break even!!

These are the things that swill around my tired mind. And I still have a filthy cold.

I think that's enough whinging (sp?!) for now.


Blogger Tooting bird said...

What work are you doing, missus? I am still on my Work Avoidance course and really enjoying myself..can't last.

A kiss and a shriek to O from E xx

Blogger clarey b said...

Well mrs I'm still working for a nasty oil giant who is paying me lots to do techie editing things to their intranet. I'm also dabbling in a bit of journalism writing a monthly column for Families a free mag in SW London. But Work Avoidance sounds much more fun...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aggghhhh! Now you've got me panicking about pre-school too!


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