Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sorry, what was that?

Why oh why do my ears have to be so troublesome when I'm preggers? It's the most annoying thing in the world. I've had another beast of a cold and this time, my ears blocked completely making me deaf as well as thinking that I'm shouting when I'm whispering. All rather disconcerting.

What news from the West country? Oliver has a hacking cough making him sound like an old man. He also dented his head and grazed his nose by falling flat on his face whilst walking along a seemingly flat pavement! Poor love. I tried not to look too horrified, but his head made the most awful crunching sound. Made me feel quite sick at the thought of him being in pain.

We've just been to North Wales to visit my gran and uncle and aunt. Lovely to see them, but by whatsits it's a long way to go. Four and a half hours in a car with a toddler is not my idea of fun. And what's the point of calling the M6 a motorway? More like a crawlway. If you southerners think the M25 is bad, try the M6 on a Friday afternoon. Yuk.

Before I go, I must confess that I am feeling rather friend-less. It's not that I don't have friends - on the contrary, you lot are marvellous. It's just that you're all rather a long way away. My one and only pal over the road seems to have rather a busy social life (how dare she?) which is making me feel even more Norma about things. But all in good time I keep telling myself.

At least the Boden shoe delivery this morning cheered me up... they're a bit tight, but worth it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi lovely Clare. None of us have got any friends nearby - think of me in Manor House! you're definitely not forgotten and we'd love to see you when you're next up in the big smoke. Take care sweetie and hopefully we can speak soon. slee xxx

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're with you in spirit!
And can I say that the news of O's rendezvous with the pavement has made me feel sick? Thanks for that! ;o)
J xx

Blogger Tooting bird said...

Madam. I am soo with you in spirit re. the homesickness thing. The beginning bit is the hardest. Expect proper email soon! And a kiss on that poor boy's bonce from his twin xx


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