Thursday, November 03, 2005

When in Rome...

What a revolting lot those Romans were. After all the hype about BBC Two's new drama - sex, gore and togas - I suppose it's not surprising that N and I felt a bit disappointed. West Wing it was not. Or Spooks. Or Waking the Dead for that matter. Not that we watch a lot of TV you understand, just the quality stuff (honest!). One thing that was of historical interest though was the fact that posh Roman totty were obviously partial to a Brazilian... the mind boggles.

But we ate pizza and choc ices for supper, so it wasn't all bad!! Spooks, veggie curry and naan bread tonight - hurrah for telly and a belly (cunningly disguised as a baby).

By the way, next week should be interesting as we gear up for the arrival of the in-laws (mine that is). Three nights entertaining N's mum who is possibly the world's best cook... help! And I can't consume copious amounts of wine which is alarming. Let's hope O is on good form for them...!


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