Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Chocolate in my veins...

Oh dear. Inevitably I have consumed enough chocolate (and mince pies, Christmas cake and other delicacies) to sink the proverbial ship. The absence of mother-in-law (who is extremely thin and self-disciplined on the food front) may have spurred me on somewhat, although I wasn't exactly restrained when we spent my last pregnant Christmas with the in-laws two years ago...

Basically I'm a greedy cow. The New Year has brought little escape as everyone left us with mountains of cheese, unopened boxes of chocs and half a Christmas cake! Hosting has its advantages...

Anyway, Happy New Year to you all and I hope your Christmases were as jolly as ours. Despite the fact we have no dishwasher and only enough plates and bowls for one sitting, we managed admirably. The turkey wasn't dry, my mum only starting driving me mad after three days (pretty good going) and there were heaps of adoring relatives to entertain O. He loved his presents although we had a comedy moment when I failed miserably to read the assembly instructions correctly for his special present from absent Granny and Grandpa. True to form, I rushed into it and snapped on the 'one-time assembly' wheels - and then realised that I should have fixed on the body of the wretched thing first. To my father's astonishment (and I suspect, amusement) I promptly burst into tears wailing that I'd ruined O's Christmas. As if he cared!

Other than that, we had a pretty emotionally stable time of it. We were knackered by the end, but much cheered by the safe arrival of my best pal's second boy. New Year was chaotic with two friends and their two daughters (and Nick had the shits) but we managed to have fun anyway. I cooked a marvellous curry and actually made it past midnight (by three minutes).

Now the reality of another Benians is starting to really dawn on us! One month to go or thereabouts... the doula search continues and antenatal classes start on Thursday. Appointment with consultant tomorrow.

More soon! (And sorry this is so long!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a month to go! it's all happening so fast. Happy new year to you all. Jo xxxx

Anonymous Anonymous said...

blimey! You'll be popping before me at this rate!!
Happy New Year xxxxx

Blogger Tooting bird said...

Easy tigers! I'm next after L, no queuebarging please.


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