Friday, January 27, 2006

Just call me Gwyneth...

We've hired the doula we met! We're both really into the idea and like Ann a lot, but I have to admit to feeling that there is something faintly celeb about the whole thing... I feel as though it's the kind of thing Gwyneth would be into. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing of course. She is rather fab after all.

Ann has lots of weird and wonderful ideas about birth - from the baby's point of view too. She does massage, has trained in the Alexander Technique (posture darling), is half Danish and half Luxembourg-ish (what on earth are people from Luxembourg called?!) and is also a cranial-sacral therapist. I have to admit, I am not entirely sure what this means, but it's all about finding out about someone's emotional life via the shape of their head... and this is affected by birth... ooer.

The thing I'm finding great about having another person on board the baby train is that she's made us think about what we're hoping for, what we're scared of and what our rights are in terms of not having to be forced to be continually monitored etc etc. We simply haven't made the time for ourselves to focus on these things before now and it's been great. Ann's also from the 'natural is best' school of thought which is a good place to start. Having said that, she hasn't actually given birth herself! I think this is a good thing as she has all the magical images with none of the reality...!

In other news, O has at last got another tooth. Not the suspected molar, but a pointy incisor! Exciting eh? And we've got a 'Taste the Difference' curry special for supper - what could be better? I was going to settle down for Judge John Deed (sitting on the birthing ball, not slumped in the sofa of course) but after last week I'm not sure I can bear it. For those of you in the know, isn't Jo 'I'm a sanctimonious, irritating bat' Mills the most ridiculous character to appear on TV in years? As for Sir John himself, well. Good looking for his age, cute dog but what a t**t.

Sad truth is, I'll probably still watch it...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news on the doula! She sounds wonderful and hopefully will make sure your labour is short and comfortable. I've got a good feeling about this one Clare. Good luck and keep us posted xxx


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