Sunday, January 15, 2006

Silence is golden...

...but perhaps not that golden when it comes to blogs! Can't believe a full week has almost passed without a post. Sorry chaps. I wish I had a good excuse, but other than being the size of a small abode and sleeping during any spare moments, I haven't.

I have been feeling a bit queasy for the last couple of days which hasn't helped. Don't think it's related to baby, but I admit to feeling slightly panicked on Friday night when I seemed to be having a lot of cramps. I am definitely not ready to pop just yet. I need a couple more weeks to get my head around it all!

N has taken O to the zoo this morning hence some free time to commune with the blog world. They are both so lovely that I sometimes wonder if bringing a new person into the mix is a good idea. I know O will cope (he'll have to!) but part of me feels a bit guilty about messing up his world which he does seem to enjoy so much. But who am I to judge his world? He may think it infinitely better with another small person around to prod and poke.

I'm sure these fears are all perfectly natural for a second-timer. As are the dreams about birth I've been having. As good old Dennis Norden says, it'll be alright on the night. One way or another this baby will be with us - God willing - in five weeks at the latest!

I suppose I'd better get dressed! Rather slovenly morning...


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