Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Still here...

Yesterday was a bleak day in the brief history of my parenting. I woke up knackered and stayed that way all day. Something was going on beyond just being tired - ironically I slept pretty well on Tuesday night and perhaps that was the problem. Not used to sleeping well at the moment thanks to our two little angels.

Anyway, suffice to say that after falling asleep in front of Bob the Builder before 10am I knew the day wasn't going to go well. We had nothing in the diary so I ended up calling Antonia over the road at 4pm begging for a cup of tea and a change of scene! Needless to say, it cheered me up no end.

Sleep is still an issue - as O seems to be doing better, F is showing distinct signs of teething and woke twice last night. My solution is still to stick her on the boob, but I know at some point I'm going to have to find another way!

Thankfully, life returns to normal next week with the resumption of toddler groups plus O is going to pre-school three mornings a week. So nothing to complain about really. How we're going to pay for it is another matter which is praying on my mind. I've started contacting a few people about getting freelance work but my heart's not really in it...

And it's my parents' ruby wedding celebration this weekend which will be lovely. We'll catch up with my sister who we haven't seen for weeks. Hurrah.


Blogger Paul & Esther said...

Hello dear!
If it makes you feel any better, we are permanently exhausted, with absolutely no correlation to how much we sleep (our two are, on the whole, amazing sleepers). I think it's just one of those unexplainable phenomena, like lost socks in the washing machine. Hang in there and don't let it get you down - it's just one of the symptoms of the wonderful but draining experience of bringing up two kids (we had our 8th wedding anniversary yesterday, and we couldn't even get it together to get each other cards, let alone organise a night out - crap, eh?!)

like I say - hang in there

Blogger Minks said...

I too am exhausted, and preoccupied but feel there's an undercurrent of something else going on. There's definitely something in the air.
Oh, and just to go against all sense and reason. I have given Seth a dummy at bedtime AT EIGHT MONTHS OLD! I don't care, he's sleeping like a dream so he can suck it till ihe's fifty for all I care.

Blogger clarey b said...

Go dummy go! Whatever works is, in my book, a marvellous idea. Bottles? Formula? What are they? F's 7 months and is still very much boob fed as I'm too lazy to do anything else! xx


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