Friday, February 03, 2006

We saw the midwife this afternoon and baby is not as badly positioned as I feared... Baby's back is at the front but on the right hand side, so not 'OP' (completely back-to-back). This has set my mind at rest although I'm sure there's still plenty of time for it to change again! I also had various cramps yesterday evening which got N all excited but needless to say, nothing happened!

Baby's head isn't engaged yet - just floating about in the pelvic brim apparently! I hope the midwife knows her stuff... She seems to think the head needs to drop before anything will happen and that the cramps yesterday could have been from the uterus getting irritated by baby trying to get it's head in the right place. The uterus isn't hte only one getting irritated!

I cannot wait for this all to start now. It's about time all the unknowns of going into labour became known. More soon I hope!


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