Saturday, September 16, 2006

What an inspiring lot...

I've just had a blog-fest, catching up on news from half a dozen marvellous friends who blog - you know who you are. And I feel humbled and inspired in equal measure. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite the daily grind we all go through looking after our offspring, there is so much else going on in our lives be it emotional, vocational or spiritual.

I've been struggling a bit with all three in the last week or so - I've felt very unsure about where I want to be in five years, literally and metaphorically. I seem to find myself feeling that my life as it is now is a bit 'more of the same', despite the move from London. Of course, I should know better than to think that just by moving physically, somehow I'll become that spiritually mature person who has a career doing what she loves. What I'm learning is that I need to focus on the here and now and not get bogged down in the stuff of tomorrow. It's only by opening my eyes to the opportunities life offers every day that I'll reach my goals. So I'd like to live in an eco-house in Devon, run my own ceramics shop/studio/cafe and send my children to some kind of alternative education school? Then that's what I'll work towards. Might not get there in the way I imagine - might not get there at all - but surely that's part of the fun. It's the journey man, not the destination...


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