SERIOUSLY out of date blog alert!!
Faye Kathryn was born on Tuesday 7th Feb at 6.35am. She weighed in at a healthy but civilized 7 lb 8oz and is - as you can see - absolutely gorgeous. We are so thrilled to have a little girl and equally thrilled at the manner of her arrival - no interventions! Hurrah and thank heaven.
Things kicked off on Monday night - waters went at half midnight and we called the doula over. By the time she arrived, I was finding the contractions pretty intense and really felt as though we should get to the hospital... no time for massage, oils, breathing exercises etc etc!
As I was huffing and puffing in the back of the car, we arrived at the entrance to the hospital we normally used. And yes, it was closed! Thankfully Anne the doula knew the route so we got there without too much stress. We were admitted into a tiny delivery room - with the dreaded monitoring machine lurking in the corner - and left on our own! Lots happening that night I think. Contractions were coming pretty thick and fast, but I had no idea how dilated I was which was a bit scary.
The midwife checked me a bit later and pronounced the wonderful news that I was fully dilated and ready to go! The serious business of pushing began. By God it was hard - full respect to all of you who've done this before. I had no idea what was involved and how much it would hurt! But it was the most wonderful experience ever at the same time - seeing Faye's head emerge was awesome. She was delivered onto me all slimey and gorgeous whilst the delightful 'third stage' was completed. I then had 40 minutes of vaginal embroidery which was hideous. The midwife was very proud of her handiwork though which I suppose amounts to good news.
I am so tired and happy and sore and relieved. All a big muddle of emotions. It will be great when I can walk around without the urge to clutch my undercarriage and when Faye decides it would be more sociable to sleep all night and eat all day rather than the other way round. But all in all we're over the moon! And we got that elusive VBAC...
More photos...
Just awesome- congratulations. She is blimmin gorgeous!
What a little beauty! Congratulationsxxxx
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful baby girl. Let the onslaught of the lobster's wardrobe begin! x x x
Ta ladies! I will of course try and call you at some point but bear with us! Much love x
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