Busy, moi?
Gosh, what a ridiculously long time since I posted an entry! For those loyal readers amongst you, my apologies. I think I have a reasonable list of excuses... here goes:
1. Holiday in Italy with in-laws and a family wedding involved. Survived without too many mishaps although ma-in-law did catch me having a sneaky fag with her sister!! Hmm... my image as perfect daughter in law may have been compromised!
2. Notice from our landlord that we need to move out at the end of November. Totally unexpected but actually quite welcome in some ways. This old house is costing us a fortune and we're quite keen on trying another part of Bristol where we can satisfy our more bohemian tendencies...
3. Getting a job! After much soul searching, I've realised that I'm not really suited to the unpredictable world of freelancing. I was beginning to find the evening working and trying to write with Faye squawking at my feet all a bit stressful. Plus the pressure of having to find a certain amount of money per month to pay for O's pre-school was getting to me. So I contacted an old boss of mine and he just happens to need someone two days a week! Suits me. The only downside is that I'm going to have to put F in nursery sooner than I'd hoped. I've found one I really like and hope that the logistics aren't going to be too painful.
Other than all that, we've been ticking along. I seem to have regressed to being a teenager when it comes to my skin though - I have proper acne! I'm praying that it's hormonal and it will return to normal when I finally stop breast-feeding (a topic for a separate post I feel!) but at the moment, I could rival any 16 year old boy.
Must eat some supper... keep reading folks as I promise the next entry won't be another month away!
Good to have you back, young lady.
ditto the swisslady.
Thanks ladies! And apologies for the long absence...
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