Saturday, October 28, 2006

Six hours unbroken sleep? What's that?

Now, along with the rest of the parenting world (or most of them at least), I love my children. I would go so far as to say I would give my life for them. But I would dearly love it if they could devise a way of sleeping all the way through the night at the same time. When O's sleeping like a trooper, F's waking two or three times and vice versa. We've had three stints of six hours unbroken sleep in the last three months.

I blame teeth. What a hassle. Even though O is now past two and a half, we're still waiting for his last back molar. This process - we have now learnt - turns our lovely son into a bit of a demon. He becomes very aggressive, particularly towards his little sis, sucks anything in sight, loses his appetite, cries a lot and sleeps really badly. Today was a classic example - constant whingeing and twatting of said sister, dreadful getting to sleep and ate virtually nothing all day.

And I'm still feeding F. I know, I should have got her onto the bottle by now for my own sanity and energy levels, but hey, she loves it and I have to admit I'm more loathe to stop with her given that we're unlikely to have another baby (finances and selfishness!).

So, all in all I'm exhausted. Functioning alright, but exhausted. And spotty. My skin is worse now than it was when I was 16. I'm not exaggerating. I've tried acupuncture (not impressed) and am delaying the day when I go to the GP. I presume it's being run down and having hormones which are still a bit all over the shop (shame it's not a sex shop - that part of our lives has vanished for the time being).

Sorry if this is all a bit too much information but what's blogging for if not to exorcise a few niggles? Oh, and we've got to move house in four weeks too. Not that we know where to yet... Bums.


Blogger Minks said...

oh, lovey. I hear ya xx

Blogger Fashion Detective said...

Sorry to hear about the move chuck - and the sleep (or lack of) and spots. Hope all goes Ok. Keep us updated. J xx


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