Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Why am I so nasty sometimes?

I have had an officially bad day in the parenting stakes. This seems to be happening to me rather a lot at the moment, and I am not at all proud of what is coming out of my mouth. I sound like a candidate for Tiny Tearaways where they video you and then say 'Is it any wonder your child had a hissy fit today?'

I exaggerate of course. As my wonderful husband often points out, there were lots of good points during the day where I wasn't a bitch to my children. I just wish I could rein in the anger that sometimes whooshes up from somewhere when I'm trying to get Oliver to sit in his car seat so I can strap him in; when Faye is virtually pulling down my trousers or pinching O's bum when I'm trying to change him (that one was quite funny actually!); when Oliver has a meltdown because we have to leave Emily behind at a playgroup (she's a green train, not a person...). We kissed and made up today but I hate that residual feeling of guilt mixed with exhaustion.

Ah, exhaustion. I suspect that's a large part of the problem. Plus trying to flog a flat that might have subsidence (or might not, don't ask) and putting in an offer on a place which is gorgeous but bound to cost us a fortune over the years if we get it!! As they say, it's all happening here in sunny (I wish) Bristol. I suppose that could be another factor for my malaise - the bloody weather.

Anyway, enough for now. Whinge, whinge, whinge. Self-pity is a loathesome thing...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Coming up for air...

As usual, apologies for being so remiss in my posting! O didn't have a tummy bug at all but a urinary tract infection - poor darling was very ill indeed and it took him over a week to get back to normal. Thank heaven for antibiotics - I can't imagine how he would have recovered without them. I know it's not great to use them on kids, but in this instance I had no hesitation what so ever.

We had a wonderful holiday in France. We were actually quite lucky to get there at all given all the fog nonsense that was going on - somehow Bristol airport escaped it all. We were thoroughly spoilt for ten days and N and I managed to reignite marital relations which was very exciting!! I had my first period for nearly two years too so it all happened...

Hopefully my poor skin will return to normal with the hormones settling down. For those of you who haven't seen me for a while, I'm rivaling my 16 year old self with awful acne!! In other news, Faye is 1 in a matter of weeks. Unbelievable how the time's gone by. Work is going well - two days a week suits me just fine and my first staff newsletter was very well received! (OK, I was working from a low base, but hey, I'll take the credit). We launch the Intranet in a few weeks which is another major milestone so I'm hoping I can persuade my boss to keep me on permanently.

We've got an offer on our London flat (ludicrous price, hurrah) and are looking in earnest for something here. Can't wait to get settled at last. O's sleep is still pretty bad, but we're all used to it now and we can't bring ourselves to do anything drastic just yet... Potty training looms, but I'm still in denial. Think that's about it for now. Much love and a happy new year to everyone (if anyone's still reading this!!)