Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It had to happen some time...

Our little baby boy - so sweet, compliant and generally gorgeous - has morphed over the weekend into a true toddler. Tantrums, strops, refusing to eat, the works. It has been a bit of a shock to be honest - up until Sunday, O had never really had a full-blown paddy. But we're getting used to it now - three already today. For those of you having similar experiences, isn't it awful? Seeing the one you love push at you with what looks like hate in his eyes is not nice!

Despite all this, I'm having a much better week emotionally speaking. I've had a couple of really nice chats with mums at playgroups - beyond the 'How old is yours?' type conversations which has made me feel more at ease. The ears are behaving a bit better. And my gorgeous husband came home yesterday with Rose and Geranium bath foam, Hopi ear candles (yet to be tried - will report back!) and some raspberry leaf tea. Can't all be bad eh? Plus I entertained a mum and her daughter for lunch - that makes two potential friends, not including Mel's lovely cousin who I'm GOING OUT WITH tomorrow night. Things are looking up!

I should go and get the little man's tea ready (although I doubt he'll eat it - we'll keep trying). Toodle pip for now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sorry, what was that?

Why oh why do my ears have to be so troublesome when I'm preggers? It's the most annoying thing in the world. I've had another beast of a cold and this time, my ears blocked completely making me deaf as well as thinking that I'm shouting when I'm whispering. All rather disconcerting.

What news from the West country? Oliver has a hacking cough making him sound like an old man. He also dented his head and grazed his nose by falling flat on his face whilst walking along a seemingly flat pavement! Poor love. I tried not to look too horrified, but his head made the most awful crunching sound. Made me feel quite sick at the thought of him being in pain.

We've just been to North Wales to visit my gran and uncle and aunt. Lovely to see them, but by whatsits it's a long way to go. Four and a half hours in a car with a toddler is not my idea of fun. And what's the point of calling the M6 a motorway? More like a crawlway. If you southerners think the M25 is bad, try the M6 on a Friday afternoon. Yuk.

Before I go, I must confess that I am feeling rather friend-less. It's not that I don't have friends - on the contrary, you lot are marvellous. It's just that you're all rather a long way away. My one and only pal over the road seems to have rather a busy social life (how dare she?) which is making me feel even more Norma about things. But all in good time I keep telling myself.

At least the Boden shoe delivery this morning cheered me up... they're a bit tight, but worth it!

Monday, November 14, 2005

It went well!

The weekend with the in-laws that is. It was lovely in fact. O was charm personified and had both his grandparents eating out of his hands (very mucky ones at that). The weather was gorgeous. We went to the theatre and saw a grown-up Chekhov play - it ended with a chap blowing his brains out of course, but hey, that's Chekhov. We had lunch in posh Clifton. Oh, and I cooked a cake, butternut squash risotto (Mel - I owe you one!) and coq au vin. Just call me a domestic goddess.

The best bit was when N's mum said "Gosh, you haven't put on as much extra weight this pregnancy as you did last time have you?!" She of course was being very kind in her mind. In my mind, I didn't put on much extra weight last time thanks very much! But we were given twelve bottles of wine, homemade blackberry and apple jam and a scrummy jumper for O.

All in all a good weekend. Apart from my filthy cold which I forgot to moan about. And O's filthy cold. But hey, what's winter for if not feeling shit?

Bump is becoming alarming as is constipation. Good thing the in-laws brought French prunes along too...

Off to have a bath and shave my legs for the first time in months. (Come on, how many of you bother in the winter?)

Random post. Sorry. Tired. Must do better.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The big smoke

We just got back from a visit to Tooting town, catching up with lovely pals. I thought it might make me sad or nostalgic, but it actually made me realise how happy I am to have moved here - it was definitely the right time for us. Much as I miss you all, I can't say I miss Tooting in quite the same way - even if some daft bloke has named part of Mars after it.

O and I stayed with some bestest friends which was divine - a wonderful dinner (a little too much wine if the truth be told) with three of my favourite girls catching up and reminiscing about old times. Nothing better.

But all that driving has knackered me out! Thankfully N was home in time to take over O duty - what a lucky lady I am.

Too pooped to write more but will update soon - no doubt with tales of angst about approaching in-law weekend!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

When in Rome...

What a revolting lot those Romans were. After all the hype about BBC Two's new drama - sex, gore and togas - I suppose it's not surprising that N and I felt a bit disappointed. West Wing it was not. Or Spooks. Or Waking the Dead for that matter. Not that we watch a lot of TV you understand, just the quality stuff (honest!). One thing that was of historical interest though was the fact that posh Roman totty were obviously partial to a Brazilian... the mind boggles.

But we ate pizza and choc ices for supper, so it wasn't all bad!! Spooks, veggie curry and naan bread tonight - hurrah for telly and a belly (cunningly disguised as a baby).

By the way, next week should be interesting as we gear up for the arrival of the in-laws (mine that is). Three nights entertaining N's mum who is possibly the world's best cook... help! And I can't consume copious amounts of wine which is alarming. Let's hope O is on good form for them...!