Thursday, September 29, 2005


only my second post and it's three days after the first! All good things come to those who wait. I would have said hello yesterday, but it was such a hideous day that I was in too foul a mood to write anything coherent. Wednesday went something like this:

1. Weather: cold, grey, lashing rain
2. Oliver: bad mood
3. Gas men: due between 8 and 12. They arrived at 11.36. They 'fixed' the problem and left. When I tried to use the hot water later, there wasn't any. I tried to get through to the customer services people and it took hours. Cross doesn't quite cut it
4. Head: bashed on silly overhanging ceiling bit on way up stairs
5. Ears: as stuffed up as a deaf old man with heaps of earwax and hair (in his ears that is). According to my What to Expect book (expect to be irritated by the book), 'ear stuffiness' is a common symptom during pregnancy. What they don't mention is that everyone you speak to will say 'Sorry?' each time you try and speak because you are actually whispering when in your head it sounds like you're yelling
6. Consultant obstetrician: late. A bit rude (male of course). Spoke about labour as though it was some kind of board meeting. But he gave us the all clear for a vag delivery which is good news (I think...!). Leanne, get that CD to me fast!!
7. Nappy bucket: so heinous I left it til today

So, yesterday was not a high point in my new Bristol life. But considering I know virtually nobody, I think one bad day out of two weeks or so isn't too bad. Oliver and I are off to the wilds of Somerset (or should I say Zummerzet) tomorrow to visit a friend who's in a very similar 'we've just left London and I'm missing everyone like mad' phase. It'll be lovely to have a whinge. Plus we're off to a wedding without Oliver (don't tell him that) on Saturday morning, returning Sunday afternoon... the question of what I will wear could throw me back to yesterday's mood, so I won't even go there!

Gosh, I've been going on for ages. Enough. Must tend to the parsnip soup (just call me Delia).

Much love to all three of you who are reading this!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Oh God...

I seem to have started a blog. How did this happen? I feel very intimidated. I deliberately didn't pick the same template as the original lizzie scoffs blog. Yes, I liked it best. Yes, the one I chose has flourescent dots all over it. But the pressure of having a blog that looks like the scoffs' was too much. What if my pals don't find my blog as interesting as other people's? What if I get my grammar all wrong? What if I don't get any comments and I forget to update it for days on end and people get bored and stop visiting and... AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. I knew this would happen.

Blogging sucks.

Over and out.