We think we might try and find a doula for the birth of babe number two. It suddenly occurred to me the other day when N was expressing some anxiety about how things would go this time given our C-section shenanigans first time round.
The more I think about it, the more sensible an idea it seems to be. N would feel much more supported, we'd have someone to 'advocate' for us in case things start getting complicated and she'd be there the entire time. Whilst the midwives are great, they do bugger off for long periods of time leaving poor husband to grapple with a woman in labour - no easy task!
Lord knows how much it'll cost, but if we can find the right person we'll go for it. Bit late in the day perhaps, but fingers crossed!
I'm going to take a blog holiday from tomorrow - my 33rd (yes, I know, you thought I was older!) birthday. I'm actually childishly excited this year as I have a tantalising - if small - pile of presents on top of our wardrobe, a husband off work, a gorgeous son to give me cuddles and no work to do! We might even push the old boat out and go for lunch in posh Clifton... gosh, what a treat.
Anyway, have a wonderful festive season wherever - and whoever - you are. I'll be back in blogland after the New Year (although I may sneak a post in between Christmas and New Year exhaustion from guests permitting).
Big love to everyone. xx