It had to happen some time...
Our little baby boy - so sweet, compliant and generally gorgeous - has morphed over the weekend into a true toddler. Tantrums, strops, refusing to eat, the works. It has been a bit of a shock to be honest - up until Sunday, O had never really had a full-blown paddy. But we're getting used to it now - three already today. For those of you having similar experiences, isn't it awful? Seeing the one you love push at you with what looks like hate in his eyes is not nice!
Despite all this, I'm having a much better week emotionally speaking. I've had a couple of really nice chats with mums at playgroups - beyond the 'How old is yours?' type conversations which has made me feel more at ease. The ears are behaving a bit better. And my gorgeous husband came home yesterday with Rose and Geranium bath foam, Hopi ear candles (yet to be tried - will report back!) and some raspberry leaf tea. Can't all be bad eh? Plus I entertained a mum and her daughter for lunch - that makes two potential friends, not including Mel's lovely cousin who I'm GOING OUT WITH tomorrow night. Things are looking up!
I should go and get the little man's tea ready (although I doubt he'll eat it - we'll keep trying). Toodle pip for now.