Ebay-aholics Anonymous?
Oh dear. The reason for my serious lack of recent bloggage - quite apart from having two young nippers - is my serious and growing addiction to Ebay. So far I am the proud owner of:
- One pink silk cami top from Boden (oh yes) for the princely sum of £5.00
- One cot bumper
- One set of train track and four trains - a bargain at 99p. Just a shame the postage was £5.50!!
- And my most proud purchase so far, a set of six Bob the Builder Brio compatible vehicles for £15... those of you out there in the know will understand my excitement over this particular coup.
I have bids outstanding of course. I have a sudden need to buy CDs of all the old albums I had on tape including Home by the Hothouse Flowers. Remember them? Sade is also on my list as is a well-loved Toby Brio train (see above point four).
But it doesn't end there. Oh no. I am also obsessed with selling. Anything from old perfumes to breast pumps. I am now looking at everything in our house with a completely new set of eyes. Do we need it? Could I make any money out of it? N better beware - his bike and psychology books are not safe anymore.
I'm sure there must be a support group out there somewhere. I check My Ebay at every opportunity, often on the pretext that I need to change one of the kid's nappies upstairs. Oh what a sad life.
Aside from all this, we are well. O is now sleeping in a bed and has only fallen out twice! Very proud of our little man. Not so good is his incredible clinginess with me which has only come about in the last couple of weeks. Poor N does not cut the mustard any more (whoever made up that phrase?!). It's lovely to be needed, but not when there's a baby chomping at your boob...
F is six months in ten days or so and I cannot believe how fast it's gone. Here she is in her first swing today... those ears...!