Night and day? What are they?
Little Miss Faye (or Missy as her father has taken to calling her... hmm) is strapped to my chest in her trusty Baby Bjorn. She is fast asleep and has been since about 6.30 this morning. Her wakeful times are, conveniently, 10pm until about 11.30pm - frantic boob searching, sucks for two milli seconds, then screams - with a repeat at about 5am. In between she feeds beautifully once or twice and goes straight back to sleep.
Theories please? I wonder if a good old dose of formula at 10pm might do the trick. She behaves as though the milk just isn't coming quick enough which is easily possible having been drained all day!
Hence, I am a little tired. But not too tired. O is at nursery today (praise be) so I had a lie in and can sleep this afternoon if the need arises. My other slight concern is that F aye hasn't spent a single hour in her moses basket between 10pm and the morning! She's been in with me the whole time. Am I creating a rod for my own back? Is she too young for this to be an issue? 'Whatever works!' I hear you cry and you're probably right. But don't say 'I told you so' if, aged 10, Faye still insists on sleeping with us! I would like our bed to return to me and N alone at some point.
By the way, I made it to two playgroups last week. Admittedly my sis was with me which made it very easy, but it was so good to be doing something normal. And so many mums came and cooed at Faye and told me how great I was looking!
I must go and rescue some chicken from the oven for O's weekly meals... it's complicated this mothering lark.